27. She Is Soul's Glow Poem by PRAVEEN KUMAR English Songs

27. She Is Soul's Glow

She is rose and jasmine in one,
Sweetness of rose
On canvas of jasmine,
Snow like pure always is she;
Glass like bright, transparent,
Crystal pure like morning dews,
Celestial glow, sacred, noble,
Uncontaminated flow of love is she.

Soft as full moon, fierce as noon,
Fresh as early dawn, firm as Polaris,
Sacred flame that sheds light is she;
Like divine hymns, she spells the world
And dawns bliss wherever she is;
She is soul’s glow; she is heart’s beat,
My conscious flow, she is Being’s seat,
Incomplete I go while she is not near.

I yearn to take her to my arms
And hold close to my heart
Till heartbeats meet heart beats
And two souls blend to unite;
I yearn to reach her round bosoms,
Hold in hands and playfully squeeze
Till those true wonders divinely tremble
And blossom her body to open flower.

How much I need her little mouth
Inseparably blend with my own
And madly we seek in inconsolable desire
Each other’s mouth, lips and sweet breath
To reach and touch and lick and suck
And gently fuse till heaven’s fire
Unite our bodies in common bliss
And we indulge in each, oblivious of world!

She is my joy, she is fulfillment,
She is my end, ultimate salvation;
I cannot be I without joining her,
Nor be complete without meeting her;
She is my light, I am her lamp,
She is my smile, I am her peace;
She and I make sense as one and only one,
So is our goal to unite forever.

I pine for her touch, pine for her warmth,
I pine for her body stirring my soul,
I pine for her looks stir my desires,
And I seize her loyal smile and absorb her within
And act and react and roll and twist
In riot of common joy of meeting our needs;
We are not two then, one and only one,
Rejoined after long long painful wait.

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