57. She Smiles From A Mystic Land Poem by PRAVEEN KUMAR English Songs

57. She Smiles From A Mystic Land

She smiles from a mystic land,
Blossoms my soul and warms heart
And stirs a whirl of unknown hopes;
She lights a fire of sweet ethereal desires
That consumes darkness,
Numb nerves with pleasant forebodings;
I know not from where I get the beacon,
I know not from where I get the beacon that
Stills disgrace and builds strength
And bounces back my spirit to
Those sweet and fresh childhood days
And bright and innocent irresponsible ways.

Like phoenix, she rises,
Like phoenix, she rises,
Like phoenix, she rises and
Enchants my heart.

Every day and every night that passes
Takes me a step closer to her;
Every thought and pleasure, she brings,
Deepens our bond in timeless care;
Though frameless space distances us,
She, to me and me, to her,
Remain in touch through boundless care;
For, our hearts home the real other,
For, our hearts home the real other
Where we dwell in immortal rest.

She never dies,
She never dies,
She never dies, but,
Lives in my heart.

Unknown hands play hide and seek
And build thick walls of savage fate
That keeps her there and keeps me here;
We meet and part in unknown cycles
Though never part to part altogether;
An immortal chord
Forever binds us through time and space;
Whatever way we part,
We face the other and feel the other
In unending pine and cravings for each;
We seek to rest on the other's side
Where our souls dwell in absolute rest;
We part to meet and meet to part
In ceaseless cycles
Till the twilight of motion meets the stillness of light
In remote horizons of heaven
Where tired birds meet forever,
Never to part again.

Wherever she goes, she must come back,
Wherever she goes, she must come back,
Wherever she goes, she must come home,
Where I wait, however long she may take.

We bear the cycle
In humble submission to the Mother Nature,
We part to meet the fate's ordain
With the hope of serving the goal of the tryst
Though bones crack and heart bleeds in the wait;
Eyes are afar and ears are erect
In tireless search of the inscrutable her,
Who races with time to unknown world,
Far, far from me, though,

She smiles from a mystic land,
She smiles from a mystic land,
She smiles from a mystic land
Forever and ever.

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