66. Immortal Light Poem by PRAVEEN KUMAR English Songs

66. Immortal Light

Like a breeze you came, like a whirlwind you fled;
What flood of passions, you brought in-between!
What an immortal joy, you carried on you!
No more I remain what I was till then,
No more I ever cease seeking you, darling,
In things of love and things of joy.

You brought sweet dreams to my barren life,
You carried new life to the dying sprite
While I was hanging alone in mid-air
With floor 'neath feet, too low to land
And heaven above crown, too high to reach;
You broke-in there and comforted me;
Here, all is a mirage and an uncertain wait
Till I find you rise again from distant horizons.

You are an invisible lamp, of divine light
That light life with love, care and trust;
You are the breeze that whispers comfort
Of warmth in lonely still silence;
The dazzle of light you spread around me
Blinds my eyes to the lesser worlds;
You came and you went, but the light persists all over.

Wherever you are, however be far,
I revolve around you in invisible orbit
In midst of the twinkles of countless stars,
Spread over the blank space of long deep sleep,
There nothing stirs, but the streams of immortal light,
You flood me with from unknown horizons.

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