A Backyard Friend Poem by Spell Shifter

A Backyard Friend

Rating: 5.0

A guava tree, furnished gently by the sun,
in summertime this tree had become my fun,
my home, my hideaway, my brother, my all:
The rippen fruit gave me strength, gave me love.

hanging on a branch, resting from the sun,
with my eyes closed imagined worlds to come;
feeling windy whispers, saw this tree grow in me,
and grow out of me, from my eyes and my skin.

he had been my brother through the years,
gave me cover; saved my lucid dreams...
oh! My friend, my love, my shade and teacher,
I tried to bring your message, be your speaker,
people didn't care, didn't ever listen.

time passed... you and I became adults in life,
but my heart and memories try to keep you alive;
there's an image that can't be erased or altered;
my guava tree, my life somehow you guided.

from your branches I knew a kind of world,
the kind that is not easily forgotten;
I saw from up there people are actually small,
but act as if they were bigger than this planet.

up there, dreaming in your arms by day,
ideas, never known to a child before,
were planted, dramatically in a tender soul;
and you made strong what used to be frail.

I thank you for that my tree brother friend,
and thank you because you were always there;
you showed me a way hard to find myself,
now, many things, if not all I understand.

I´m glad I knew you from the start of my life,
I´m glad I spent my time hanging from a branch;
eating fresh fruit rather that watching TV,
for all those reasons I have to thank thee.

there used to be a rather frail guava tree in the backyard of a house we lived in as I was growing up. I loved. I cherished it dearly. The house is gone and so is the tree, but the memories remain.

Comments and raitings highly apreciated.
Karen Sinclair 25 October 2014

This brought a tear to my eyes. Beautifully put. I am a pagan (In my own terms) and trees are the ultimate symbol of nature in my eyes. I had a beautiful house that my children grew up in and I planted a cherry blossom 20 yrs ago as a young mum with a white boxer dog who tried to eat that tiny twig I first planted. When I left that house 2 yrs ago I never shed one tear over the house but that tree symbolised my family and shared so many beautiful memories (sitting silent in the back ground of many family photos. Pink and pretty a couple of months a year. Your poem. I love how it was written and the style you chose (the last line of each stanza seeming so wane filled.) not doggedly following a pattern (just like a tree)

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Susan Lacovara 03 June 2014

On the property where I grew up as a teen, there was a beautiful crab apple tree that I used to write poetry beneath. I loved the space we shared. I often drive by that old house, just so my heart can say hello to the tree that shaded me. I loved your write! PEACE

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Pradip Chattopadhyay 23 May 2014

love this write of bonding, very touching.

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Gajanan Mishra 12 September 2013

I know you from the start, good write, thanks. I invite you to read my poems and comment.

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Renjith V. Sathyan 11 September 2013

nice one. keep writing poems like this.

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