A Fallacy Poem by kunjubi varghese

A Fallacy

You are a conundrum in the innards of my mind,

Awakened by your passionate kisses.

The riddle is still alive, though abandoned in the

Pastures of yesterday, where we grazed for long.

Along with this burning hours of the day,

My mind also is scorching with my numbing misery.

In the dusky gloom of the horizon above me,

Hides the moon's smiling face.

While I imagine that you are my everything,

I apprehend I've nothing of my own to hold.

In every life there is a groaning heart

And every smile holds some hidden anguish.

I can see your mind without seeing you;

I saw your face through my despair and distress.

Tell me in which funeral pyre, I should sacrifice

My heart as an offering to appease you…

The words you whispered into my ears

Reach me as soft ripples in the sea, even

When I shut my eyes willfully, cloistering from

The rest of the world, to forget everything.

Though I know that those words were meaningless

And empty, still a world emerge like the treasure chest

At the end of a rainbow, under the roof of my mind;

From the subdued fervent hope, that my belief

And certainty could be fallible, and you will be mine

Eternally, through the end of the world….

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kunjubi varghese

kunjubi varghese

Trivandrum, Kerala, India
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