A Flagrant Fire Poem by PRAVEEN KUMAR English

A Flagrant Fire

Love is like a flagrant fire,
It cosumes all those that stand
Or those it catches on its turf
Without a thought of Self or future
And spreads fatter and faster by it.

Obstacles are its fuel, and oppositions, breeze
That flare it to the heaven's height
And burns itself in its own flare
As you, alas, did unwisely
While you were seized on all sides
And we us lost for each other
And you to that opposition too.

Love indeed is terribly unwise,
A blind force, or is it heavenly force
That sweeps over like tsunami floods
And sweeps away all on its path
Including itself to time's cinders
While hopes hold not a chance;
You fouled over life left for you,
Though good was it by own right,
And rolled over it like a blind mammoth
To shatter it like a smashed glass.

A ruin is now your world,
But no regret ever I notice in you;
While a tree topples, shrubs ‘neath uproots,
While wars are lost, stray towns do fall;
Life stirs you not since you lost your soul,
You live to live, live not for life,
In detached sail to invisible shore;
Love indeed is like a flagrant fire
And burns itself in its own flare
Without a thought of Self or future.

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