A Hero Named Troy Poem by Daya Nandan

A Hero Named Troy

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Named after fallen city known to the world,
Best friend and companion to a very special girl,
With your jet black coat and robust body,
Admirable courage that only kings and knights embody,

Your rich tan markings that distinguish you from the rest,
With your rugged and muscular figure, you are full of zest,
Your fearlessness and willingness to sacrifice makes you great,
Endless traits of champions that none could hate,

A true legend of the land, you are the champion named Troy,
Able to defeat enemies as if they are no more than a simple toy,
With unrivaled loyalty and love for your fellow friend,
A list of good deeds that have no end,

Happy birthday i bid you, great Rottweiler named Troy,
I wish you and your master a life full of joy,
Unlike the city of troy, you shall not fall,
For you are a legend that is loved by all!

Thursday, October 31, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: love and art,dog
Kingsley Egbukole 31 October 2019

Beautifully articulated. Thanks for sharing. Please kindly check my poems HOPE and THE BEAUTY OF DEATH and do leave your comments

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