A Letter To The Wealthy Poem by Kenneth Maswabi

A Letter To The Wealthy

Rating: 1.5

Hope this letter finds you seated
In your cosy little world
Where mere mortals are forbidden
And life is a pleasant dream

Do you ever feel guilty?
Of your secret stash of money
Piled away in offshore accounts
Or you extravagant lifestyle
Private islands and swathes of land
With no trespass signs

Do you still have a human conscious?
Embedded within your souls
Or you have evolved a robotic one
Devoid of human emotion
The roots of mankind

Why are you amassing so much?
One house is good enough
But you are happy to own hundreds
Money, the root of all-evil
Is found in abundance in your homes

I have heard that you do Philanthropic works
Donating millions to charity
To soothe your dead conscious
But do you know that
The resources on earth
Are abundant for us all
If only, us mortals
Can share them
They will be no poverty
Diseases will be minimized
And more productive souls will live longer

Kenneth Maswabi 03 April 2015

Thank you Kay, poetry is meant to stir such emotions in us.For the record i don't hate wealthy people.Thanks again.

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Kay Staley 03 June 2015

Of course, and sorry if I was to busy being rude to say that I enjoyed reading your poem. And you are right, what would poetry be if there was no emotional motivation involved? Thank you for writing your poem and posting it. I hope you get many readers.

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Kay Staley 02 April 2015

A completely normal take on being rich. Everyone hates the rich so much that it is not an unique viewpoint anymore. If the rich dispersed their money evenly, or tried to help people, it would not end all disease or evil. Our unmoral society can never stand perfectly because of our lack of capability to be faultless. Let me tell you dear author, that your life is worth more than all of the money that they have. It is their choice to not use their money to help people, just the same as it is your choice to use or not use your life and talent to help others. Let us not hate the rich or become jealous of what they have; yes they could help people more than they do, but you have the capability to use your life for a far grander purpose than their money could ever afford.

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