A Lovers Song Poem by Robert Edgar Burns

A Lovers Song

Wherever you go will I go.
Your people will be my people.
Your God shall be my God.
Your friends will be my friends,
And your enemies will be mine as well.
Those who love and honor you
Will I love and honor in return.

If you climb up to the mountain top,
I’ll be there beside you.
If you go into the deepest part of the ocean,
There, will I be as well.
In your battles I shall go before you as
Your general and armor bearer to his queen.

In your sorrows shall I cry with you.
In your joys will I glory.
In your laughter will I behold
The greatest beauty of all.
In your eyes will I peek into Heaven.

When I behold you in the morning
I shall see the majesty of a sunrise.
When you lie beside me at night,
I’ll see myself, and my reason for living.

I belong to you lover, and you belong to me!
Your desires are for me as mine are for you.
May we rise up early and walk through the
Fields of wild flowers, where I gather them for your hair.
And should we lie on our backs under the stars at night,
I will give you my love there and honor you as my treasure.

Based on Song of Solomon 7: 10-12
& The Book Of Ruth (The Bible)

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