A Nurse Probationer's Life Poem by Dr John Celes

A Nurse Probationer's Life

With half a mind and heart, I joined the course!
My family couldn't afford a better one;
But it was out of love and not just force;
All live under the same stars, moon and sun.

My nursing school is placed in a site serene;
The beauty of the campus has no words;
The flora, fauna make a glorious scene;
It is so forest-like with many birds!

Our boarding and class-rooms are not too good;
But everything is natural, rather nice;
One can't complain about the kind of food;
Our teachers train us well and give advice.

Our hospital has patients good enough;
We learn a lot from doctors during rounds;
Sometimes we do chuckle or cry or laugh;
For play, we have a lot of open grounds!

The nursing profession's a noble one,
And Florence Nightingale is our foundress;
A lot of service and great work are done;
By learning well, we gain much happiness.

The kinds of patients we see are galore;
Their attenders we come across are ‘types'!
We know the science and art and world much more;
Yet, life's cloth has ugly dots, stains and stripes!

The art of listening is so paramount;
Communicating with patients is prime;
Our tender loving care is important;
We learn and know the world in short a time!

Sometimes, we're warned to stay always alert;
All persons whom we meet, we cannot trust;
It hurts a lot to witness pain and dirt;
We wear a smile, replying coolly first.

Nevertheless, the profession looks great!
Our hearts are trained to bear all emotions;
Success is in our hands and not just fate!
When exams near, we must read all portions!

We know that life has challenges quite rife;
We face the problems without losing heart;
And woes and grief add to our personal strife;
But science must soon become perfect an art!

We realize our aim and main purpose:
Much labor, perseverance is right lane;
All drugs are poisons in a larger dose;
From vices all, we must always refrain!

We're glad we chose a profession noble;
We serve Almighty by caring of sick;
Each one with skills enough is capable
To hold the lamp alit with oil and wick.

A nurse is nobler than we ever thought!
To keep its good ethics and oath, we ought!

Copyright by Dr John Celes 4-2-2013

Nursing is one of the noblest professions.
Dr John Celes

Dr John Celes

Tamilnadu, India
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