A Scapegoat's Life Poem by vittal vandavasu

A Scapegoat's Life

There was a boy who was taunted by everyone
Except woe, which welcomed him with the poignant bliss
A say or why was never given back by the one
Inept at revolution e turned anger to woe an let go his wish

Summer, spring, winter or autumn
It mattered not
A sinner is boring a hunter is rotten
He was shattered and hot

The flowers which are trampled
Mother nature who is in torture
Where to beseech a way out of their shattered,
lives without any folly; there is woe to future

Isolation and woe were his best friends
Childhood snatched away,
The sinful teachers were his amends
For none understood his say

Too ignorant perhaps
Or a life's burden thrown on an innocent
The rain that taps
A window blurs the omniscet

There was another unfortunate's life
A scape goat's life
Withered and faded with the vain strife
Alas he proceeded with the knife

Well, he found the bliss desired
The sinister pecularity left behind
And so the shots were fired
Those misters and misses in hell have woe to find

Saadat Tahir 09 August 2009

touching and a bit dark....but catches your attention and latches on...nice poem we all have something to say....on this count....but this poem tells a tale of more than a fair share tc and cheers

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