A Seuss Tale Poem by Jennie Scheihing

A Seuss Tale

The night air was chilly and the moon was half-gone
The windows were foggy and white covered the lawn
The snow piled high, right up to the door
Whirling in patterns never thought of before
I was stuck in the house staring out at the white
Of the dark, and the cold, and the sillious night
Then a knock rang out loud and it echoed and then
It shook the cream walls and repeated again
I jumped from my perch on the old, wooden chair
And ran to the door without worry or care
“Oh my! ” I exclaimed, looking ceiling to mat
Where stood sort of a kind of a hat wearing cat
He brushed off the snow and straightened his coat
He fixed his tall hat and loudly cleared his long throat
“Hey there! ” He said, with a laugh and a smile
“I haven’t seen you in a very long while.”
My mind started racing, he looked happy and glad
“You’re thinking, now aren’t you, you smartious lad?
Now let’s have some fun! You want to, I know
With all of this terrible, boredoning snow.
I can take you wherever your mind can dream
Out on an adventure or a new, clever scheme.”
I nodded my head, so he grabbed my small hand
“Let’s go to a place that is covered with sand! ”
The next thing I knew, the snow was no more
I saw sand, and beaches, and swimsuits galore
“Palm Beach! ” He cheered with a quick, impish grin
“Look out now, kid, trouble’s ‘bout to begin! ”
The sand and beach quickly started to fade
Onto the scene came a gigantic parade
“The Circus McGuircus, the best the world”
But into blackness we were once again hurled
“What’s wrong with you, Cat! ” I called out in fear
“You’re making me dizzy, why won’t you steer? ”
“You are the one driving, ” he said without dread
“Just pick a destination, and think with your head.”
I stared and him shocked, but then thought of place
And I started to see through the blank, empty space
I landed with a thud on my old, wooden chair
My heart beating quickly and sand in my hair
“Good job, little boy! ” The cat hugged me with pride
“We traveled through space and ended alive!
You’re mind is so strong you can do what you choose
Like go to Alaska! Or visit the Who’s!
Just think of the place and off you will go
Soaring higher and higher, moving fast- never slow.”
With a devilish smile and a wink of the eye
He turned of his heel and hollered, “Goodbye! ”
I watched his quick exit and then sat all alone
I was left in the dark, and the horrible cold
But I no longer was bored, or gloomy because
I just reminded myself how lucky I was.

Tasha Liptak 20 May 2008

oh my god. i have no words other that that to explain my jealousy of you right now.

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