A Small World Poem by kunjubi varghese

A Small World

Wherever you are,

Wherever I am

When the spluttering of life

Sibilate in our hearts,

We will love, though living afar

In different lands, silently

Without saying a word even.

Though eloquently our hearts conspire.

All that is magnificent will slumber

In my eyelids, like a spectacular panorama

As in a movie screen; a dreamboat.

Rainbows and roses; peacock and flamboyance.

The evening sky with all its resplendence

After their hectic promenade

Rejuvenating the weary sinews

In halcyon tranquility…

My sweetheart! you will hear my soft footfalls

Treading in the morning snow;

My voice echoing in the misty air surrounding you;

My love will be in a haze, encompassing you

With resilient thuds of my heart.

All that I need is this love, and nothing else;

Not even a sigh that may fizzle out of your chest.

You were always beside me

Though we live in far away lands.

But I feel the warmth of your delicate fingers

Like a feather touch, on my cheeks

Fondling and blotting away my anxiety.

I feel the fragrance of your breath

Kissing my eyelashes, holding me in its

Bewitching luscious sublimation.

My desires have taken shape

And reached my side in your person….

kunjubi varghese

kunjubi varghese

Trivandrum, Kerala, India
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