A Soul Not Whole Poem by Moore Hope

A Soul Not Whole

Something is missing, my body and mind is not whole
Feelings of incompleteness encase my empty soul.

I try to overcome tasks to prove to myself wrong
However no matter how many accomplishments are achieved, I still feel I am not strong.

I am insecure in life, I feel as though I walk in different shoes
Even though I am succeeding in life, I feel the game I am playing I lose.

Maybe it is depression, or maybe the sense of lack of love
I turn to god and pray to the heavens to help me from up above
I pray a prayer all the time for god to help me find my way
To guide me in the right direction, and hopefully find happiness one day.

I feel entrapped in the darkness of a world where the path being followed never ends.
The many paths I have taken I see light, yet darkness always descends.

I am trapped in the whirlwinds of a tornado a symbol of why I exist
I run, I fight, and I try to hide from the strong winds to resist.

Fortunately the tornado never takes my life, somehow I am always spared
Is this because I wear many masks to make my true feelings disappear?

I put a mask on almost everyday, and when I do I am strong
People at my working place think that I am in touch with my life and could never do anything wrong.
They see me as a leader, someone to help them in their need
They rely on me for guidance and support; they rely on me to take the lead.

So I place on a mask of leader, someone who is strong and wise
I help them with their problems, but I know I am in disguise

For you see my world is a living stage with me as the leading role
However, even though the day is defeated, there still remains my empty soul.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Topic(s) of this poem: depression,life
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Moore Hope

Moore Hope

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