A Spark Of Hope Part 3 Poem by Daya Nandan

A Spark Of Hope Part 3

I know this spark of hope is a big step for us both,
but i believe with it our relationship can once again have growth,
I am a little scared and nervous i might get cut by another knife,
But i want to give this a chance, i want you back in my life!

All i have ask of you are two simple things in return,
Two things that will ensure our once passionate fire can once again burn,
Things of such value they are what gods and kings fight for
They shall make our love stronger than what angels have ever witnessed before

So here is the secret of gods untold to make our fire forever burn
Make every mistake that we make a stepping stone we take to learn
To learn to forgive, To learn to understand, to learn to accept
To learn not just to take but also to give, to learn to hold on to each other’s hand,

To learn to love and accept certain flaws, To learn that perfection isn’t everything,
To learn that flaws sometimes make things perfect, learn that love at times too will sting,
To learn love me at my worst and hold on to me during times of hardship,
I'll do the same for you and make this work, i'll revive the spark of hope for our relationship!

Only then will our love be stronger than mountains with their towering heights,
Brighter than a million stars shining above the midnight sky with their breathtaking lights,
A simple method to make hearts dance, make mountains move,
If you really love someone, it is not impossible to prove

Wednesday, July 22, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: love and loss,love and pain,sad
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