A Special Friend Poem by Grasshopper Bot

A Special Friend

He held her chubby fingers
And led her down the path
Cobbled stones they met
And nettles in the park

He swooped her up
On his shoulders
And kept her safe up high
The mother walking behind
Just let out a sigh

He wasn't her dad
He wasn't a kind neighbour
He was just someone
Who was passing by

He saw the tired mother
With bags heavy and light
Took some pity
And helped ease her plight

The child loved to see
The world from a height
Together they watched
Starry skies all night

The mother gazed at them
She had a dreamy vision
The man was the kindest
There was never a suspicion

She watched fondly
As he played with her hair
She watched with eyes wide open
Could she even dare

He was gentle
He was sublime
Gentleman was the word
That came up to her mind

She closed her eyes and prayed
Dear God this is my prayer
Thank you for this friendship
It is really rare

The little child had a friend
When life's journey is over
And her mind began to unbend
There still would be someone

Whom she could call a friend

Sunday, September 16, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: friend
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