A Trip To My Past Poem by Phil Soar

A Trip To My Past

I find myself looking backwards
Age has taken hold

Reminiscences that I recall
Leading to tears

Longing for those 'old' times
Reversals of fortunes

Stretching my limitations
Ignoring the future

History repeating itself
Looking for excuses

Unable to let go
Yet wanting more of the past

A tribute of sorts
Seemingly, it was all good

Remembering only the good times
No recollection of the bad

Promoting what I felt was great
But now bears no relation to the 'now'

I must look to the future
Before I wallow in self pity

So much to look forward to
I stop looking back

Hans Vr 16 June 2017

I loved to read this reflection. Looking back at the past, remembering the good memories, accepting the now and working towards a great future. It made me think of my past for a while and it is so true, we remember the nice things. Sometmes, even our biggest problems seem to have some blessing in them if look back. When I think of the now, my mantra has become, life is not easy but it is beautiful. If our problems seem so big and ugly, a simple look at the sky or the majestic tree along the road on my way home, will fill my heart with a certain joy and strength. For the future, I try sometimes to figure a few of the million possible scenarios and accept whatever may come but work towards my calling. Wow, my comment becomes much too long now. Good poems are thought provoking and this one definitely just now did that to me. Good!

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