A Una Ingrata (To An Ingrate) Poem by Gabriel de la Concepcion Valdes

A Una Ingrata (To An Ingrate)

Basta de amor: si un tiempo te quería
Ya se acabó mi juvenil locura,
Porque es, Celia, tu cándida hermosura
Como la nieve, deslumbrante y fría.

No encuentro en ti la extrema simpatía
Que mi alma ardiente contemplar procura,
Ni entre las sombras de la noche oscura,
Ni a la espléndida faz del claro día.

Amor no quiero como tú me amas,
Sorda a los ayes, insensible al ruego;
Quiero de mirtos adornar con ramas

Un corazón que me idolatre ciego,
Quiero besar a una deidad de llamas,
Quiero abrazar a una mujer de fuego.

To An Ingrate

Enough of love! Let break its every hold!
Ended my youthful folly! for I know
That, like the dazzling, glister-shedding snow,
Celia, thou art beautiful but cold.
I do not find in thee that warmth that glows,
Which, all these dreary days, my heart has sought,
That warmth without which love is lifeless, naught
More than a painted fruit, a waxen rose.
Such love as thine, scarce can it bear love's name,
Deaf to the pleading notes of his sweet lyre,
A frank, impulsive heart I wish to claim,
A heart that blindly follows its desire.
I wish to embrace a woman full of flame,
I want to kiss a woman made of fire.

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