A Wild Goose Chase Poem by Ali Rahimi

A Wild Goose Chase

Is life a wild goose chase?
Is it a sick dream? A fantasy? Or just a deceptive fallacy?
Could be an error, a bizarre accidental act of lunacy?
A senseless explosion of foolishness and idiocy?
Or a holy orchestrated creation with phenomenal accuracy?
Sinless flawless birth of man, perfect example of wisdom, insight and rationality,
Paragon of kindness and love, epitome of tenderness and sympathy,
Pivot of universe, core of creation, heart of cosmos in ability,
Fire, water, earth, and air erupting to the surface,
Slapping us harsh on the face,
Is it a sad illusion, a mirage or a fearsome menace?
Poverty, pain, problem every place,
We just vanish into cyberspace,
Since gone is the wine, music, the palace,
Who can I trust? Who can I embrace?
What is my lost solace? No love, no fun near the fireplace,
What has become of divine human race?
Life is a hate-rage-murder-fury-furnace,
The poisonous bread served anyplace,
All of us hungry poor souls, devouring it, miserable and misplaced,
Is life a hazardous gamble? A rat race?
Wild goose chase...

Saturday, April 4, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: life,philosophy
Abdulrazak Aralimatti 06 April 2015

A good description about life and its adversaries.

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