A Wonderful Morning! Poem by Sanji-Paul Arvind

A Wonderful Morning!

In the calmness of the morning light,
When the sun shines and dreams exit.
Birds chirping through the trees,
A gentle hum, carried by the breeze.

A lonely bird begins its song,
Notes that crawl, sweet and strong,
Awakens this sleepy earth,
Giving life an amazing birth.

Each dewdrop on the petal's edge,
A tale untold upon this ledge,
Of night's embrace and suns first kiss,
In moments pure, we find our bliss.

The world awakes softly, starting its day,
Colours blend in a perfect sway,
From amber gold to azure, blue,
Nature's canvas painted anew.

The fading beauty with fragrance,
In every flower, every face,
Time unfolds its tender tune,
Moments like these are divine.

When sun sets, doze for night,
In the twinkling stars so bright,
Let us pause, and deeply see,
What gives us hope to be.

Friday, July 19, 2024
Topic(s) of this poem: morning,sun
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