Accounting For Him In Song Poem by Mary Angela Douglas

Accounting For Him In Song

even as Jesu was accounted for in song

Lo, how a rose...

I see the Star so once upon

again, rising in the East

in a wilderness where many

worship the solstice instead;

concelebrate an empty feast

in the dark of their unknowing

then the Rose weeps

in quiescent, quintissential December.

dear God oh dear relief

above all battlefields

the Rose that was, that is

vivid again oh unfailing bloom of our hearts

rejoice say the angels though the worlds fall apart

again and again

the cherished refrain the

Maytime of our sleeting rains

rose oh rose of all our pain resolved

the Light sustaining us. the hidden well

because because he conquered hell and death

petal by petal and anguishing breath by breath

though the blasts of cryptic scorn

had bound us fast whenever we sang so

and caroled it's true

there is a flowering toward December

of a perfume bearing us homeward

despite what man can do

and blind himself to.

like the child I was. I am

I do grow restless

awaiting the Pearl of that dawn.

mary angela douglas 3 december 2022; 7 february 2023

Mary Angela Douglas

Mary Angela Douglas

Little Rock, Arkansas United States of America
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