Across A Sea Of Faces Poem by David Harris

Across A Sea Of Faces

Across a sea of faces
each one a potential friend
whose name I do not know.
An accidental brush of arms
and the words sorry
could lead to a conversation
to become a friend I do not know.

With the world a crowded place
getting more so with every day
we could so easily
make a friend a day.
A cheerful smile to start
accompanied by friendly words
and who knows what
might happen along the way.

Destiny knows no boundaries
the same as friendships do.
So across a sea of faces
dozens of new friends live
as we wander on our way.
Tomorrow is another day
into which we rush head on
never knowing whom we’ll meet.

Love for some is at first glance
and friendships hold the same key.
Who are we to turn our backs
on what may come to be
among the sea of faces
that pass our way every day
and the sea of potential friends
that cross across our bows.

16 October 2013

Wes Vogler 21 March 2017

My name is Wes Vogler... I have strong white teeth (Benny Hill)

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David Harris

David Harris

Bradfield, England
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