Albert Einstein 43 - Einstein's Cosmology & Sir Arthur Eddington Poem by Geeta Radhakrishna Menon

Albert Einstein 43 - Einstein's Cosmology & Sir Arthur Eddington

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Nothing deterred Einstein from his passionate work.
War and illness were all a part of life's experience.
He published "The General Theory of Relativity "
In Annalen Der Physik in 1916. The same year,
He became the President of German Physical society.
He also published three papers on Quantum Theory.
On 1st October, he became the Director of
Kaiser Wilhelm Institute of Physics in Germany.

It was during Dr.Einstein's stay in Berlin,
That he became deeply interested in Cosmology.
He wrote his first paper on Cosmology in 1917.
This made a remarkable impact on the scientists.
The great Dutch Astronomer Willem de Sitter was
Impressed by Dr. Einstein's theories and equations.
He informed the Secretary of the Royal Society of England
Of Einstein's General Relativity and his observations.

Sir Arthur Eddington, a brilliant British scientist,
An astronomer, theoretician, and a keen observer,
Also holding the position of Secretary of Royal Society,
Took up the challenge to experiment on Einstein theories.
In 1919, Eddington set off on a scientific expedition
With his team to the Island of Principe in West African coast.
Arthur Eddington's main mission was to measure
The bending of starlight by the gravitational pull of the Sun.

To prove Einstein's theory, Eddington needed
A total eclipse of the sun. It happened in West Africa,
On May 29,1919; the Sun was in constellation
Of the Hyades, the star cluster to the Earth.
Eddington took photos of the sky during the eclipse.
They waited till Hyades became visible in the night sky.
By comparing the night photos with eclipses photos,
They could observe the change in star positions.

A month later, on 12 Sept 1919,
Sir Arthur Eddington addressed a full house
Congregation of scientists at British Association meeting Wherein, he announced the findings of his experiments
Of Dr.Einstein's 'Cosmological Considerations in General Theory of Relativity'.
It was a victory not just for Dr. Albert Einstein or
For Sir Arthur Eddington, but a triumph for British Astronomy as well.

When Einstein was informed that his theory had proved right
His reaction to this victory was rather calm and placid.
He replied: " I knew that the theory was correct. Did you doubt it? "
Einstein was confident that his theory would prove right.
His Mentor, Max Planck was nervous and stayed up whole night waiting for the result. But Einstein had a good night's sleep!
It was only in the morning that he woke up to the triumphant news of his theory of cosmology that was proved right by Arthur Eddington and his experimenting team of scientists.

A Biographical Poem

Saturday, July 17, 2021
Topic(s) of this poem: true,story,personality,cosmology,discovery,life,science
Here is a sincere attempt to write the biographical life and works of Albert Einstein. For detailed explanation of Albert Einstein's Research Papers on varied topics, please read books published by Princeton University Press.1. ‘Albert Einstein - A biography' by Alice Calaprice & Trevor Lipscombe 2019.2. ‘Einstein's Miraculous Year' by Alice Calaprice and Sam Elworthy 3. Quantum Generations: A history of Physics in 20th century, Princeton. N.J 4. Quantum Profiles by Jeremy Bernstein - Princeton, N.J 5. Collected Papers of Albert Einstein (CPAE) various editors and translators, Vol.1 to 9, Princeton, N.J, Princeton University Press.6. The New Quotable Einstein Princeton, N.J, Princeton University Press.7. Albert Einstein - New York, Viking.8. The Einstein Scrapbook by Ze'ev Rosenkranz, Baltimore, John Hopkins University Press.9. Ideas and Opinions by Albert Einstein 10. Albert Einstein by Albrecht Folsing This chapter deals with Dr. Einstein's Cosmological theories and the role played by Sir Arthur Eddington to prove it right through his experiment. Dear friends: Many, many thanks for your wonderful response. Most obliged!
Anjandev Roy 07 August 2021

Great biographical poem

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Vrinda 28 August 2021

Great poem on Einstein s Cosmology.

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Shruthi Menon 07 September 2021

Really interesting

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Chinedu Dike 13 October 2021

Albert was a scientist of rare intellectual strength. An interesting read...

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Unnikrishnan E S 27 October 2021

In his novel "Balthazar", Lawrence Durrell had his character say, "The Relativity Theory was directly responsible for abstract painting, atonal music and formless literature." Epitome of foolishness.

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Unnikrishnan E S 27 October 2021

Part 5. Proust said, "How I would love to speak to you about Einstein. (But) I do not understand a single word of his theories, not knowing algebra. (Nevertheless) it seems we have analogous ways of deforming Time."

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Unnikrishnan E S 27 October 2021

Part 4. Works of Einstein, Picasso, Joyce, Eliot, Proust and scores of other geniuses are part of this.

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Unnikrishnan E S 27 October 2021

Now in the early twentieth century, modernism was born by breaking the old strictures and verities. A spontaneous combustion occurred.

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Unnikrishnan E S 27 October 2021

Part 3. It happened to art and philosophy and science at the beginning of the Renaissance and again at the beginning of the Enlightenment,

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Unnikrishnan E S 27 October 2021

Part 2. Whatever Durrell accused of Relativity, are actually caused by a shift in human outlook world over, that happened simultaneously, in every sphere.

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