Alexa Poem by M.J. Lemon


Rating: 5.0

Is it disbelief or
just indifference
of course mere
I talk to the sofa
and never get an answer
the back is always turned
If I talk to the lights
I get burned
I dare not lecture the toilet
as I'm reminded
of what will
inevitably hit the fan
which never speaks but
sometimes hums
If you think this strange
remind yourself of who listens
to you

Friday, February 21, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: surrealism
Susan Williams 08 March 2020

I love your sense of humor and the casual tone of this poem as if you are talking to a friend over a cup of coffee and sharing your wry thoughts about modern " culture" and advancements! 10+++++++++++++

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Mj Lemon 09 March 2020

Thank you, Susan! You are actually rather right about how this poem came about. I was telling someone about the number of people I've noticed who spend time- good time- talking to objects.

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Unwritten Soul 01 March 2020

We need to talk with something and someone that can respond. Even with robot, how much intelligent we put it still artificial... and here come the interesting with human an living things were the bond can be built by such delicate interaction. Mobile phones make people dependent on them, but without real interaction life is empty.

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Mj Lemon 02 March 2020

Thank you so much, Soul...and you have me thinking that the 'artificial' in intelligence flows in both directions.

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Mj Lemon 25 September 2020

Thank you so much, Kumarmani. Thank you for your kind remarks.

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Kumarmani Mahakul 20 September 2020

A beautiful humourous poem has been created by you taking the furniture plus toilet. Amusing expression. Thanks for sharing. Five stars.

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Mj Lemon 21 August 2020

Thank you, Susan! So good to hear this can still evoke a laugh....Many thanks!

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Susan Williams 19 August 2020

I have returned for a lighter look at life, for a chuckle and a giggle or even for a guffaw- -the world is a cold unfeeling place out there, my friend, we'd better make friends with our home and its furnishings. Humor is hard to write and you did it perfectly- -a million laughing stars for you, my dear friend 10++++++++++++++++++++++

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Susan Williams 18 May 2020

Love this poem's sense of humor! ! ! Me, I have scolded, made fun of, cursed, and described the ancestry of just about every furniture or appliance in my house 10

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Mj Lemon 18 May 2020

And they know it, Susan! I've pretty much done similar things. Thanks so much for reading.

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