An Aid To Aids Poem by Michael P. Johnson

An Aid To Aids

“Praying, hoping soaked with fear
He knew it as he cried
Death’s shadow drawing ever near
He’d nowhere left to hide

What could he say what could he do?
What choice could still remain?
No help in sight no hope in view
Had life been lived in vane?

He didn’t seem to understand
He never meant her harm
He saw the needle in her hand
And then within his arm

He’d health and wealth until that day
How foolish he had been
He’d tried to show her Jesus’ way
Why did he intervene?

He only stopped to give her aid
Her life was living hell
His service though she duly paid
He had now aids as well

So seeking there The Father’s face
Would Jesus Christ forgive?
Did time remain to find His grace?
Would God allow him live”?

“Right then I saw the truth my friend”
“He told me with a sigh
He knew it wasn’t quite the end
Although he still would die

He’d tried to help a addict live
He tried to stop her pain
Yet through his faith; God life will give
When Jesus comes again”

Michael P. Johnson

Michael P. Johnson

New Silksworth / Sunderland Co/Durham England
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