An Orange And White Kitten Poem by grace mariner

An Orange And White Kitten

When you looked in the mirror what did you see?
An orange and white kitten who's smitten with me?
A very small fellow but that's not his view.
He's the king of this jungle and that we all knew.
An excellent mouser, a snake killer too.
The presents you brought us would make us say ewww!
The way you'd escape was amazing indeed.
An indoor kitty, not meant to be freed.
But you'd find a way out on that you could bet
which would make Sam and I both worry and fret.
I loved you the most, I loved you the best.
And I knew that you loved me without any guess.
And as you approached the end of your days
You'd lay on my chest and purr as always.
When I left for my trip, going so far away
I knew, as did you, you were not here to stay.
I sat with you as you laid quite content on your bed
I told you I loved you and petted your head.
We knew you'd be gone before I'd get home
but I told you of places where soon you could roam.
Mike took great care to watch over you
and he was there for you when your last breath you drew.
So rest well my Moe cat, you're now free to roam
in the new fields and forests you now call your home.
And I still feel you with me and at times I still see,
an orange and white kitten who's smitten with me.

Friday, March 25, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: cats
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