Angels And Demons Poem by Compton Wright

Angels And Demons

Well I finally lost my sight of reality and realism as I’m seeing
People as angels and demons from the way they carry themselves
Maybe I’m losing my mind and my logic is becoming complicated
But yet I see classmates separated by the two groups with their eyes
Turning between black as the darkening sun from an eclipse commencing
While the light was piercing out their eyelids and shooting into the clouds
But I could be daydreaming, seeing illusions, taking too many painkillers
Multicolor pills that give me stomachaches every few hours in my sleep
Or maybe it’s my repeating nightmares of being seen in a split appearance
Of an fallen angel and an devil’s golden child as I can’t stand the agony here

Am I victimized by my misguiding thoughts of personalities within emotions?
Maybe I need to describe my imagery seen in my eyesight in the day and night
As the demons use seduction and lust to their advantage to use you completely
Using temptation one of our strongest weaknesses to control as many others to follow
As people would do anything to do get that prized possessions that are promised in life
Even fight and kill for their promises to come with their contact given and signed by blood and tears from dead loved ones as the burned ashes are printed in the text below

While angels will embrace your thoughts and beliefs as they’ll led you to your peace
Led you to the righteous pathway to your future of the worthy and not the damned
As angels come in different events in your life as you’ll recognize their actions clearly
Like guiding your heart to the bright side of your soul and not closer into your evil intentions as in time from the people you hang with or the deeds you do in the years
Of you living in this world you’ll start to see your wings and your halo while rebuilding
Your world from its wars and holocausts that will happen from its own time frame but
But some might experience horns growing bigger and sharper from their sins and evils
While their wings start to darken like the sunless days and the starless nights and

Their eyes will start to blacken into the dead space from the tears of despair from innocent bystanders as you’ll watch the earth deliver their own judgment from their
Own nuclear chaos and destruction as only leaving the world to burn before you
As this is what I see in my thoughts that I painted within this very poem but only
Thoughts of asking if I finally lost it or was possessed when creating the stanzas
No…..I’m just like all of you…confused of who really created and trying to paint
And answer the question of life and the question of existence but we’ll never know
Unless we cross the afterlife and where our questions are finally to a closed and
Our higher learning truly begins and my thoughts are finally put into sane mindset

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