Antibiotic Resistance Poem by Daya Nandan

Antibiotic Resistance

Rating: 5.0

The discovery of antibiotics has saved millions of lives,
Fathers, mothers, children, husbands and wives,
Our miracle drug that increased human lifespan today,
Our greatest weapons to keep many deadly diseases at bay,

But unfortunately a lot of bacteria have developed a resistance,
To survive against antibiotics that would normally erase their existence,
Superbugs that are resistant to multiple types of antibiotic medication,
Enough to easily kill several thousands of people in a nation,

Superbugs kill at least 23 000 people in the United States per year,
A number that is rapidly growing which fills my beating heart with fear,
They have already discovered a superbugs that are resistant to every antibiotic,
If they keep spreading the results will be surely dangerous and chaotic,

We contribute a lot to the birth of antibiotic resistance bacteria,
When we take wrong antibiotics without understanding guidelines and criteria,
When we do not finish the mediation prescribed when we think we feel better,
All of this stimulate the surviving bacteria to evolve and become much greater,

These now resistant bacteria will now spread and infect others,
Possibly weakening or killing innocent children, fathers and mothers,
The use of 80% of antibiotics in livestock and poultry just makes things worse,
It is almost like we are building the stage to set up our own self inflicted curse,

To reduce the price of meat and for farmers to greatly cut their costs,
By keeping livestock in unhygienic conditions yet preventing farm lives to be lost,
They give their livestock antibiotics and indirectly breed these superbugs we fear,
Endangering the future of mankind and bringing a post era of antibiotics really near,

We should take the right steps and educate the public to make a change,
Before more bacteria develop resistance to a much wider range,
In 2050 about 10 million will die of antibiotic resistant infections each year,
That is is the current prediction if things keep going the way scientist fear.

Saturday, June 11, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: doctors,health
aditi 15 November 2017

Superb,wow 😲 awesome fantastic. Thanks to Mr daya nandan who wrote this poem.

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Spock The Vegan 11 June 2016

Thank you for writing an educational poem. Now I'm not the only one. I learned one thing after recent health problems: antibiotics are a blood thinner because they kill bacteria in the gut that produce vitamin K...10 points.

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