As I Reach Her Palace Poem by PRAVEEN KUMAR English

As I Reach Her Palace

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Along the path I traverse to reach her,
She laid red carpet to soften my tread;
All thro’ the passage that leads to her,
She hung a canopy to shelter from heat.

Refreshing green garden she raised on sides,
Lovely blossoms welcome me, she ensured;
She conspired with wind to blow cool breeze –
So I reach her afresh, and seize her pretty young.

Indeed was I hot to reach and seize her young,
To hold in my arms and crush her to my chest,
And press my quivering lips to her ardent lips
Till we forget world and dissolve in each other.

As I reach her palace, loud drum beats I heard,
Fireworks covered sky with red and yellow hues,
Soothing sweet hymns I heard aloud around,
And, lo, her I saw in enthralling grace and smile.

I know not whether she or I ran to reach the other,
But I found we two tightly laced in the other,
Madly probing each other with whatever we have,
And surging deeper within, so, never to part again.

Impatient was I to the depth of my eager soul
To imbibe whatever she is, and store deep within;
I wanted all of her in whatever form she is,
And glided to uncover her to her true treasures.

She yielded her all to my impatient wild moves,
We reached, touched, crushed; unceasingly rolled,
We wanted more and more as moved to crescendo
And burst into togetherness that’s unexplained ever.

I filled her with me, and she, always in me,
We laced in soul, mind, heart and eager body;
Yet, we wanted more, much more of the other,
Till us two souls conjoin to form a single soul.

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