Attaining World Peace: Simple Artistic Solutions Poem by Terence George Craddock

Attaining World Peace: Simple Artistic Solutions

Rating: 5.0

Attaining World Peace: The truth is,
we do not need supposed political leaders;
to lead us in the cause of peace,

we need poets painters sculptors,
song writers story tellers musicians philosophers;
we need minds creating images ideals of peace,

love compassion forgiveness beauty,
we need to join with one universal global, humane heart mind;
in compassion love humility rejoicing in our shared humanity,

please force supposed political leaders,
to stop perpetrating justified conflict wars;
upon target selected bulls eye victim nations,
in thinly disguised wars to control rape resources;

increase elite mega rich individual bank balances,
empowering minds egos craving incessant insipid;
glutton mega wealth obsessed oligarch can never spend,
in millions of ostentatious opulent ego lifetimes;

minds ravenous for absolute power paid,
for in blood money misery suffering, war crime inflicted;
upon innocent nations human populations must be opposed,

we must insist upon the attainment,
preservation of world peace and strive towards;
becoming angelic enlightened beings.

Terence George Craddock (Afterglows Echoes Of Starlight)
Copyright © Terence George Craddock

Written in September 2015 on the 10.9.2015.
Abdulrazak Aralimatti 15 September 2015

Truly, Attaining World Peace: The truth is we do not need supposed political leaders, to lead us in the cause of peace, Truly, we need poets painters sculptors, song writers story tellers musicians philosophers; we need minds creating images ideals of peace, Loved reading and commenting...........10

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Rajnish Manga 14 September 2015

Wonderful imagery. Far from pursuing conventional methods, the poem puts forward an alternate plausible solution to attain world peace. Thanks for this amazing poem.

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Ken E Hall 13 September 2015

Can I join the force of your love and humane society and sadly who can we insist to...must make our own force... No more Pol pots. Love the poem and its ideals without the political greeders Terry. regards

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Terence George Craddock 09 September 2024

p2transcendence heart interlocked within mind, breathes souls who have already crossed metaphysical divide, gravitating towards an idealized cosmic love healing humane society of like minded souls

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Terence George Craddock 09 September 2024

p1all who love peace, believe in peace, have mentally mind, have physically heart, spiritually joined in the cause of peace, will in that moment radiate peace; spiritually when a mind adores peace, physically where a heart loves peace,

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