Back In Eternity, I Know, The Day Was Dark Then Poem by Mohammad Younus

Back In Eternity, I Know, The Day Was Dark Then

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Back in eternity, I know, the day was dark then,
When I was sent away, God was furious at me,
The day is bright now,
And he is calling out to me:
'Come back, my darling, Your satan is asleep...
...he can't harm ÿou, come back to your lord;
The houris in paradise are gazing at you, they're waiting... moon and stars gaze at the traveller walking in a desert;
Come back to your garden;
But first sow in your fertile land the seeds of good deeds;
The spring is young. Get up and sow the seeds'

Now the flowers are in high bloom;
Great crop of fruit will be ready very soon;
I receive a call again from my lord:
'Come back, my darling!
But, first gather for me fruits that weigh down...
...the branches of your trees';
The harvest is ready to reap now;
I must go to the owner of the orchard;
My lord is there to greet me to the eternal home;
The forbidden tree still stands in his courtyard;
I am now allowed to play and chat with my mate;
I am now standing on the threshold of his home;
I receive the final call from my merciful lord:
'Welcome back, my darling, my sweet child!
Your mother's heart is full to the brim with love;
Come and snatch the sweetest kiss from your mother;
No one will grudge it.! ! ! No one will snatch you away! ! ! '


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