Bacterium And Staphylococcus Poem by Alexandre Nodopaka

Bacterium And Staphylococcus

Once upon a time there lived
two Latin viruses named
Bacterium and Staphylococcus.

They discussed at length their physiological
and spiritual origins the way Ars debates
the respective virtues of Modern and Rococo art.

One spoke highly of the National Art gallery
in London and how full it was of staid displays
and the other of ancient Lascaux,

the latter arguing that eons ago has produced
modern art far surpassing prevailing art while
the other produced so-so art yet accepted by the

masses. As a matter of fact the traditional art
was followed and revered by many billions
bacteria, i.e. the herd, while the other, due to its

abstract nature was followed by many fewer.
Bacterium and Staphylococcus went as far as
instilling into their conversations the influences

of higher metaphysical forces. Each stood valiantly
its ground, each buttressing their arguments
with empirical facts and matters of fluff, oops,

sorry, I meant Faith, depending on the moment
in history. After brief and somewhat antagonist
exchanges the dispute elevated a notch at a time

until it was settled by each giving the other just
enough rope to make them respectively dead-right.
One even proffered an olive branch but not

for the expected purpose since it wasn't sturdy
enough to save the argument of his protagonist.
The moral of the tale?

If the branch is too weak, save the olives!


Thursday, November 12, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: poem,pome
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