Before He Comes Again Poem by Michael P. Johnson

Before He Comes Again

In righteousness I take delight
I marvel at God’s hand
Exchanging rags for robes of white
So much I understand

But who can comprehend such love
Or figure out God’s plan
However much I seek above
I still but see as man

Even the church is filled with awe
Although she’s Jesus’ bride
God’s opened wide Salvation’s Door
But few have sought inside

They leave it to the few who preach
They’ll sing in church their song
But when The Truth begins to reach
They feel there’s something wrong

The church should seek God’s deeper things
She needs to dig her well
Sing loud the song that Jesus sings
And heed what God would tell

Why else is man at war with God?
Why does he break The Rules?
Why are His servants seen as odd?
And often seen as fools

The world sees Christ through human eyes
Salvation’s darkly veiled
She still believes the devil’s lies
It seems the church has failed

For righteousness the church must yearn
Obedience need to reign
God’s Fire inside must truly burn
Before He comes again

Michael P. Johnson

Michael P. Johnson

New Silksworth / Sunderland Co/Durham England
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