Beguild Easter Princess Poem by Wilfred Mellers

Beguild Easter Princess

Bronzed skin glows from origins east
Delectable buttercup for the eyes to feast
Torques blue through mystical sapphire
As gentle as lamb greatness you inspire

Memorable moments the stage you set
Tantalizing curves down my back runs a cold sweat
Gentle hips sway so magically to please
Dainty movements set my mind at ease

More than just eye candy you are
Blessed being and the making of a star
Blossoming flower setting the stage on fire
You have become every man's wildest desire

Beautifully fashioned yet never putting it out there
The drunk holds on tightly to his armchair
To everyone's delight, all faces now aglow
The stage is yours to command the show

Sing to me songbird of a melancholy ballad
Satisfy my soul for empty is my pallid
Archangel croons me tunes to a solid beat
Amongst your peers you are truly elite

Your voice resonates of a childhood lullaby
Standing firm a tear almost comes to my eye
Entranced by beauty naturally, you possess
Beguiled I am my exquisite eastern princess

My mango chutney, you I would devour
Tenderly sweet and never sour to savor by the hour
Sing me melodies sultry to bring me home once more
You are a guiding light and voice men have never heard before

Wilfred Mellers

Wilfred Mellers

Kinston, Jamaica, West Indies
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