Blame Game Poem by PRAVEEN KUMAR English

Blame Game

Rating: 5.0

Wherever I go, you follow me,
And collect details, she blamed me;
She was far, far behind horizons,
I had no signals crossing over
And I spent years without a hint
While all hell broke on her world
And all light doused around her;
I did struggle, went out of limits,
But alas, I was blindfold by life;
While opened eyes, found wrecks
Scattered around her shattered life;
In inconceivable grief splitting out,
I poured out whatever live within,
For I knew like sun for clouds to form,
I deflected her world to dreadful wreck,
Though she never, I knew, blame me for it.

I fought to light her dark world
With whatever matchstick I possessed;
I struggled to rebuild her wrecked ship
With whatever little tools I possessed
And relaunch her sail on life's safe sea;
Wherever she be, however she be,
In this or any other far away world,
I assured, I'm there, always with her;
We're broken pieces of the same soul,
Awaiting divine ordain to conjoin again,
I claimed to instill confidence in her;
I offered to visit and meet her there,
And this indeed shattered her peace.

She hid her grief, she hid her pains
To draw dark wool over my eyes
To keep me away from her struggles;
The offer to visit and meet her there
Rattled her plans of keeping me out;
She sought from me why I trouble her,
Would I know that she wasn't mine;
It was then my turn to get rattled,
And I withdrew totally struck, confused;
It was then she got in touch with me,
Wherever I go, you follow me,
And collect details, she blamed me.

Tuesday, June 20, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: life,love
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