'Blessed Are The Meek For They Shall Inherit The Earth, ' Mathew 5: 5 Poem by Roxanne Dubarry

'Blessed Are The Meek For They Shall Inherit The Earth, ' Mathew 5: 5

OH! 'Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth, 'Mathew 5: 5! For it is not the: the vain, the proud and the arrogant! No matter how much money that they spent! Will ever inherit the earth! For it is the: the meek, the holy and the pure in heart!
Which will given a brand new fresh start to inherit the earth! During the l,000 year ruling and reigning upon a reborn, renewed and revitalized earth

OH! But what about: the vain, the proud and the arrogant? Wheresoever will all of their countless numerous numbers be?
Verily, Verily, Verily I freely doth saith unto all of thee! The answer is quite clearly and very plain to see: They shalt be lost throughout all of their eternity. They will be interned in the fiery pits of hell fire
and brimstone all during those 1,000 tormenting years!

After the Millennium rule of upon the earth and after Satan's final rebellion upon the earth! The books shall be opened. And hell and the sea gave up the dead that were in them. And death and hell were cast into the Lake of Fire. And Satan and his fallen angelic hosts shall be cast alive into the Lake of Fire and Brimstone via the heavenly angelic hosts! Where both the Antichrist and the False Prophet already are!

And the Book of Life was also opened. And whosoever's name was not written in the Lamb's Book of Life was cast alive into the Lake of Fire! Those whose names were written in the Lamb's Book of Life were rewarded and entered again into the Kingdom of God!

All of the redeemed, throughout all of the annuals of time! Became residents of the New Heaven and the New Earth. 'Behold old things have passed away and behold I make all things new. For the old things have passed away! ' Even so come quickly Lord Jesus!

Roxanne Dubarry

Roxanne Dubarry

Seattle, Washington
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