Blossoming Together Poem by PRAVEEN KUMAR English

Blossoming Together

Rating: 5.0

How I yearn to have you in my arms,
Press your soft frame to my eager chest
And drink sweet nectar oozing from you
That me relegates to soft dreamy oblivion
Of absolute bliss I find always in you.

I do desire to suck life through your lips,
Lips to lips I seek always to ravish you,
Tongue to tongue how we blend our juice,
And find our veins streaming same blood,
While holding each tight in unbearable desire.

From crown downwards, I desire to move
To stamp my warm kiss all over your face,
Leaving no space untouched by eager lips,
And wrapping your face with red-hot desires
That flow from my lips from depths of soul.

While you seethe in desire in reddened face,
Slowly I slip downwards to reach your nape
And stream my passions all around your neck;
While in rush of joy, you, oblivious of yourself,
I uncover lovely humps on your lively chest.

Stealthily I do slip to that heavenly sweet twain
That stands erect like mounts inviting me to field;
How can I withstand passions in that live state?
I eagerly take them in mouth and lovingly suck,
Both of us flare in desires’ rage in that lovely act.

Then I gently kiss lovely crowns sculpted there,
Grab dark firm globules on it to my eager lips;
While I hide in those soft mounds you possess
I hear wild thumps your heart to me whispers –
Not to stop those wild indulgences I carry on you.

Is it not invitation to let loose from leash?
Is it not call to rush passions in full swing?
What more soul needs to rob what is long lost?
Trembling like dry leaves I slip inch by inch
And unveil in joy sanctum sanctorum of you.

No thirsty horses go still near flowing stream,
No buds ever wait to blossom in spring’s swell;
Confounded with joy, and mad to blend in you,
I reach your velvet bunch of fragrant sweet flowers
And shower gentle kisses on navel and around.

Pleasant screams you do while I reach soft belly
Guide me where I need desperately descend to;
Oh, all treasures of the world I find stored there,
Covered in thick cloud of velvets in soft layers;
As I reach there, we go dumb in sweet quiet spell.

It’s free joyous act thenceforth for us together,
In arms of each other, exploring wonders of love
While heartbeats in rhyme spur passions within us,
We both struggle to reach other beyond all barriers
And find our fulfillment in blossoming together.

Saturday, March 22, 2014
Topic(s) of this poem: love
Colleen Courtney 22 March 2014

What a gorgeous piece of work! So sexual but in a beautiful way, which is a refreshing change! Bravo to you my dear for such a splendid poem!

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