Blue Showers On A Wedding Day Poem by Felix Bongjoh

Blue Showers On A Wedding Day


A day of showers, no rain
in grains of popcorn
and melted candle patches.

But a large-mouthed shower head,
a sky shooting down drizzles
and rainstorms of thick jumping rays

in a blue world of flashy sun
sailing with heavy paddle strokes
in a pulling and pushing
sea of sky.Waves of baby blue sheets

shooting out thin threads falling on us
with needles stitching hairy filaments
of heat through baked skin,
soaked pink and brown leather under sky,

an expanding glass of light blue
still butterflies stitched each to each
to flap quiet wings.

In a floated bloated shifting balloon,
nylon stretched out to melted

waxy edges, from which hot candle
drips fly out and skip down,
oven-warm fingers, placed on pores
and pimples and old scars hard as wood.


Powder and silver showers
of sun pour down on dry parched folks,

embers and cinders
drained out from the hard tinder
they were at sunrise.

At the beach showers of cyan
splash down in glassy moths
through shaking skies,

parasols tilted and stooping
to let the beach-goers devour
a turquoise music, bounced-down rays.


Time for a wedding in a garden,
sun stroking earth with hundreds
of blue birds sipping their bath,
starlings waving blue ribbons of feathers

in showers and glowers of sun,
light stringed beads
of fingers bouncing off
wrinkled faces in ocean ripples.

Shut your eyes, bully of a sun.
Seal off needles of rays piercing us,
showering us with crawling ants.

Earth weds sky down a wall
of butterflies
spraying and dousing
sun-soaked bride and bridegroom

with purple and violet grains
of rain showers
settling on our shoulders
from cascades of screaming wisteria.

Monday, April 6, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: nature
Felix Bongjoh

Felix Bongjoh

Shisong-Bui, Cameroon
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