Bones And Arrows Poem by Katerina Val

Bones And Arrows

Across some hearts
venomed arrows
penetrate any bones that may had survived
with their walling as they were enclosing this precious detail
this red beating and despairingly moving thing
this bloodstained despair
enclosing it forever
yet someone else enfolds it!

Skinny fingers like vice
clenching the red beating thing
till asphyxia
till the point where there is no relief
enfolding it with hectic studiousness
or shall I say malicious circumspection?
till the point where is no relief
till asphyxia
till anorexia of the nerves
when the bones are not enough
to hide the redundant detail

Thick, scared bones
a quick insecure hug
an hysterical holding
a consoling yet indefensible folding
a holding
full of remains
completely empty of calcium

Bones, dear bones
Where is your strength?
Where is your elasticity?
now you fall

I will be your milk
I will be your strength
I will create calcium
I will feed your despair
your tears
even if asphyxia killed your borders

Empty as you are
of you

Just bones, holding you

A pair of bones, loving you

You turn your head to the other side
and you are bony
as Earth rotates
you hit yourself to the window
because you should rotate too
and you don't rotate

So now, dizzy
Rightful in the languor
But alone
Your head is finally spinning
And you smile

As you deny everything
as you deny hands you say they don't exist
as you reduce your existence
as you sink in stupidity

As you are breaking the arrows
trying to smash the difference
to unite the gaps
to bridge yourself with innocence

To shatter the steeliness of the bones
to engulf their endurance
and yet
trying to suckle the calcium
trying to drain the red beating thing
after you cross the bones
but, you forget
the bones are being chocked
by your greedy hands
your sad but yet not regrettable fingers

So when your insane hands
smash the osseous mass
reduce the light
and shed the dark
they will find their way straight to this red beating thing
the bloodstained query
the precious despaired

I will be your righteous fairy
Your instant query
Offering you nectar
The milk your bones never drunk
To see relief

The suffering
The bones
Your entity
Your holding

Smash the osseous mass
And when you are sure you had enough
Roughly appeased that you stopped
I do not want to be the bad one
(desire has faded a long ago for me)
Do not wish to be the sad one
(sadness fading in front of me)
to remind
What you will see
But even if you hide your eyes,
You will see:

Your bones were being rubbed all across the way
Can't you see them rubbed?
and with your rubbed pride
you do not see
sad me,
you cannot see
you were the damn arrow.

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