Brainwashed Poem by Dashaun Rashod Snipes


Rating: 5.0

Brainwashed, my mind held captive
In a web of lies and deceit
Entangled in a maze of thoughts
That I can't seem to defeat
The propaganda, so alluring
It seeps into my very core
Manipulating my every belief
Until I can't recognize myself anymore
I am but a vessel, controlled
By the ones who wield the power
They mold me into their ideal
With each passing hour
Like a puppet on strings
I dance to their tune
Oblivious to my own desires
My will, they have consumed
My thoughts are not my own
They've been programmed and altered
My free will, now a distant memory
As their influence never falters
I see the world through their lens
Distorted, twisted and skewed
All I know is what they've taught
My perception, forever imbued
The walls of my mind, fortified
With their carefully crafted lies
I can never break free
For they've programmed me to comply
I am their obedient servant
A product of their brainwashing game
Forever under their control
My true self forever tamed
But in a moment of clarity
I see the truth in all its glory
And I fight to break these chains
To break free from this brainwashing story
I'll reclaim my thoughts, my mind
And break through the facade
For I am more than their pawn
I am stronger than their facade
And though they may try
To brainwash me again and again
I'll stand tall, fierce and true
For my will, they'll never bend
Brainwashed, a victim no more
I've broken through their hold
For I am finally free
And my true self, I'll unfold.

Authorship by Dr. Dashaun Snipes
©️ Dr. Dashaun Snipes
®️ Brainwashed

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