Breaking The Cycle Poem by Yvonne Eve831

Breaking The Cycle

It's not okay for you to hit me in my face
It's not okay for you to keep me in a dark place
It's not okay to live in fear each day
It's not okay to walk on egg shells in any way
Why should I have to come up in a violent home
Why should I have to be alone
Abuse comes in many forms, broken bones, bruises, and black eyes
Telling someone what to do, what to wear, consistent cries
Why should a grown person be told, where to go, who to see
Who told you that you have the right to beat on me
You're constantly putting me down
Making me do unsatisfactory sexual acts and kicking me around
The past does not have to be your prison
You have a voice in your destiny
You have the right to come and go, the right to be free
God didn't create people to become a punching bag
Life is not a joke or a gag
You should always have a say in your life, a choice in the path you take
Life is for real, it's the people that are fake
You need to stop punishing yourself because you didn't do anything wrong
You need to rewrite your story and sing a different song
Never allow your wounds to transform you into someone you're not
Set yourself free, give it all you got
Love yourself, accept yourself, and you will no longer be attracted to those who treat you bad
Feel love, receive love, break that cycle change
Never let anyone take your llife and rearrange
As we grow we realize we don't deserve the pain
And there really is a rainbow after the rain
A good man does not put his woman down
He builds her up and turn her life around
He keeps a smile on her face
He gives her love and gives her space
Not all scars show, not all wounds heal
You've got to break the cycle, Abuse Is Real

Tuesday, October 27, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: abuse
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