Brief Vote Of Thanks From Years Ago Poem by Joyce Hemsley

Brief Vote Of Thanks From Years Ago

First of all, thank you Sir for
being our Speaker tonight.
We have listened with pleasure
and delight. This is most unusual
you see ~ seldom do we have
the opportunity to hear all about
The Prison Service, especially
a prison of top security. Your
talk has been most interesting,
coinciding well with current
events of the summer spell...
bad reports have sifted through
about Durham Jail, it is true!
I once drove up the long road,
surveyed the prison from very
close view...a gloomy picture
even tho' the sky was blue.
We urgently need more up-to-date
buildings AND more efficient people,
such as yourself, to adminster them.
Thank you so much for your very
special and interesting talk.

So now, dear Ladies of the Bernard
Gilpin Group of Women's Institutes
please stand and show your appreciation
to our Speaker of the evening.

Joyce Hemsley

Joyce Hemsley

Portsmouth England
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