British Modus Operandi Poem by Raymond Farrell

British Modus Operandi

Early on in their thirst for conquest
They came to Ireland
And honed their craft there
Slowly they began to understand
How to effectively dominate
Their fellow man
Beat massacre enslave starve
Him into submission
But most importantly
Teach him their way
And have him comply
Establish the hierarchy
With British as Lord
No tolerance for those who defy
The rule of law, their law of course
Imposed by force on the native population
The Irish were impertinent willing to fight and die
Rather than be conquered and cowed
But valuable lessons were learned in Ireland
So when they arrived in the so-called New World
They came with experience and ruthlessness in tact
Easily dominating a whole continent
Wiping cultures that had existed thousands of years
Off the historical map in a flash
Then penning the historical record
Their usual propaganda
About what did or did not happen
Next they insisted it be taught
To wide-eyed innocent school children
Telling them how they brought
God and Christianity and values
Along with the rule of law
To primitive bloodthirsty outright pagan savages
This has been the vulgar nonsense
Peddled for decades to the young and uninformed
Only lately have people begun to question
This version of what happened
But this has only been allowed
Because the Native population
Has been completely marginalized in society
They will never pose a threat
To the established social order
Not like those pesky Irish
Who broke rank and formed their own republic
How uncultured of them.

Sunday, October 15, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: commentary
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