Can’t Hold Back The Years Poem by David Harris

Can’t Hold Back The Years

Rating: 5.0

I sit here reading the letter
as my tears smudge the ink.
I can’t hold them back
no more than I could
hold back the years.
The words say you have left me
that you’ve moved out today.
That you won’t be coming back
no matter what I say.

I sit with my head bowed
remembering good time we had.
Remembering the sorrow and sadness
that followed in the good times wake.
Remembering those precious moments,
we wanted to last forever,
but disappeared at the blink of an eye.
I can’t hold back the years
nor the tears I cry.

Tomorrow heralds a brand new day,
a brand new start some would say.
When we should erase yesterdays
and start a new life,
but it isn’t that easy,
as we need our yesterdays
to build that new day.
If we haven’t got them,
what will happen is hard to say.

As I sit here and read your letter
my tears still fall,
and I can’t hold back the years
no more than I can hold back the tears
for our lost yesterdays.

4 April 2008

JoAnn McGrath 07 April 2008

I think we can all relate to this one....i know I can....even if I don't have a letter in my hand or even a memory yet not yet want to be can still lose it all even if you never had it in the first place....and to not be loved is the saddest of all

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Andrew mark Wilkinson 06 April 2008

A sad poem here David, but you can't hold back the years, you must move on with your life, believe me I know, my friend... Andy 10

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Ernestine Northover 06 April 2008

A very moving piece here David, and a pleasure to read my friend. I do hope that Vera hasn't given up on you? I'm sure she hasn't. Hi Vera! Love and hugs Ernestine XXX

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David Harris

David Harris

Bradfield, England
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