Cannot Stay Mad At People For Long Poem by David Harris

Cannot Stay Mad At People For Long

Rating: 5.0

Sometimes people write words,
when they are frustrated and angry.
They then send those words
to someone to ease what they are feeling,
not knowing how deep that they will hurt.

Then remorse sets in,
they regret what they have written,
but they cannot take those words back,
though they wish they could.
It is too late and they think
a friend they have lost.

The person who received those words,
yes they are hurt. They want to do something in retaliation,
so they ignore that person,
but they find
they cannot stay mad at them for long.

They forgive them
for what they have done,
hoping that when they are frustrated and angry,
they will not take it
again out on them.

Brian Jani 05 May 2014

Forgive and delete, nice write

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Andrew mark Wilkinson 17 July 2007

It`s always better to forgive and forget if you can...10

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Marci Made 17 July 2007

Perfect words. If only this were always the case, what a wonderful world it would be...Perhaps, just perhaps, peace and no more wars.........thank you for your fine, understanding words....It shows how large your heart is.........marci.xo

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David Harris

David Harris

Bradfield, England
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