Caring Nation Poem by Kate Gabrielle

Caring Nation

I don't expect you to see
The truest deepest part of me
But not everything you see is complete
Behind invisible walls I retreat
A fake smile and a cheerful wave
Is all a game I no longer crave
If no one knows the truth of Kate
Then maybe now's the time to get some things straight
My life's been rough but I'm still here
Although at times I wish I'd disappear
I used to wish for death to come
I tried to bring it before my time was done
I survived and have a story to tell
For when you feel that your life is Hell
I used to feel the wrong emotions
Caught up in a sour devotion
I'd grab my knife and cut
But all it got me was in a rut
Losing faith, losing conviction
Doubting life, wanting an eviction
It got to the point where I called 911
To save my life before I called it done
So the point of this story is not for attention
Or I would have told it sooner to break through this tension
This story is to show that people can break
And that some peoples smiles aren't real, they're fake
So think before you insult that one person you hate
Because they may already see hope as far too late
So care about others and don't judge or hate
Because you may push one person and it'll be too late
I say this to advise
Just a look through my eyes
To save our generation
We need to become a more caring nation

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