Change Of Nature Poem by Nassy Fesharaki

Change Of Nature

Change of nature

Cathy of Colona
You sleep in car
Have single mother
Don’t want to bother
In heart you’re tender
Outside though, tougher
It’s not gender
But a social change
With economy
This new enemy

We share CBC
I hear and see
You talk, & others
Kids and the parents
All embarrassment
Don’t know who we are
With or without car
And master degree
We do not get a job
But debts to OSAP
Or whatever called

Did you hear, or not?
“Forget heart, Passion.
Study in field, to get you a job.”
Aren’t we slaves?
What embarrassment!

Our dads were farmers
They knew plough also the shovels
They sowed seeds-crops, planted trees
Aware of water
And fertilizer
Heart and house were large
Open to the guests
Children aside
(Born to be masters)

Mothers, hands and feet
And brain of life
They cooked and cleaned
Also worked in farms
And did tailoring
And delivering
And raring babies
Without them no light
To house and in life
Now all stolen
Like fathers, slaves
As are children
How nature has changed
Nature of our lives
Freedom is dead
Passion on the noose
Hearts must go to hell
With the interests

Bow as did to God
To, the industry
(Child of technology)
See nature has changed
For worse not the best
Nature of our lives
The hell with this life
Why not change one thing
(If we can still)
Divorce this body
We are just the pigs
Born in pen to go
To a slaughterhouse
Let’s therefore select
At least once, in life
Lovingly, and race
Go before taken
To the abattoir
Get rid of this life
Of slavery, to work and money

I was listening to CBC Radio 1. The program was cross-country and talked of young children having to live with parents because there is no job/income opportunity for the degrees that universities offer just for the sake of making money from the students.
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