Chapter 2-The Fate Of Saints Poem by Anees Rahman

Chapter 2-The Fate Of Saints

During higher studies, in the same subject that his family
was remembered for, Raheem kept close relationship
with his father. He used to visit him weekly.When he
comes home the family members would ask about how
he was treated.He would reply about the variety of foods,
fruits and love he got from there.Sheik Habeeb and the
others started smelling doubts. They were afraid of
loosing their valuable asset. They held meetings and
decided to keep Raheem to themselves. For this they
planned a marriage between Raheem and his blood
related cousin in the same family. But at this age of his
youth, he was not ready. His father too was not interested
as the girl was from the family, which was not good
according to their sacred laws. But Raheem had to agree
as it was the family that took care of him. But he made
a clause that he will bring his father for the marriage.
And so at this young age he got married.Even though
Reyhan attended the wedding the family was happy as
they could keep Raheem within them. Like every youth
hopes for a loving wife, he also hoped. He tried to be
close to her. But her character was extremely strange.
She didn't like any male to come close her. During the
initial days Raheem neglected this but later he even had
to use force to take her to bed. He couldn't adjust and all
the family members came to know about this. Raheem
informed his grandfather his problems. Sheik Habeeb and
the family members agreed that it was best that he
divorced her as they could no longer live together. And thus,
within the third month of his marriage he was divorced.
But later he came to know that the girl was pregnant. To
get out of all these, he went to a distant learning place.

Chapter 2-The Fate of Saints

From the Blessed bloods of sacred follows,
With Misery painted fire wrapped fates,
Unripe wrongs that flourish over sacred laws
And unseen tragedies written on traits.

As Prayer filled carpets passed for ages,
Harsh tricks hid within them for ages,
Fallen prey was Reyhan's Raheem, to those,
Where family's prestige hung from his nose.

Lost by marriage, were two unwilling hearts,
And witness was a father redeeming and helpless
The Conspiracy that tore young hearts to parts,
Leading innocent dreaming souls hopeless.

Fate stole Raheem's wish for enduring love,
Turning his remnant self towards Spiritual love;
The Heartbreaking grieves, the known had written,
Leaving shadows of sick heart forgotten.

The celebrated tears shall for ever stay,
Masked behind the endless smiles,
For he was a part in the famous play,
That sent him wandering far of miles.

The writer's play had finished its part
But the master shall finish none his part,
For the traits follows the family of saints
And he was the saint born within constraints.

'Let him be the son,
Let him be the Life,
Let him bear the curse of wrong's done
And embrace destiny's knife.
Let the guilt of priests pray,
Forgiveness from the eternal best,
Let them hope a shining ray,
As a remedy for their shameful quest.'

©Anees Rahman

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