Charlie's Addiction Poem by Lacie Hebert

Charlie's Addiction

Rating: 5.0

Do you drink for fun?
Do you drink because of regret?
Do you drink yourself to sleep?
Does it really help you to forget?

Do you know what you're saying?
Do you know you're wrong?
Do you know anyone loves you?
Do you know a place called home?

Is there anyone else?
Is there anything I can do?
Is there a future for us?
There is nothing we can't get through.

I'm here for you if you need me
I'm here for you until the end
Even though you don't say you love me
And accuse me of cheating with men

I'm crying and begging you
I'm telling you it's not true
I'm sorry, but cheating
Is something I could never do

Do you see how much I cry?
Do you see how much you lie?
Do you think I'll always forgive?
Do you think this is how I want to live?

Can't you believe me?
Can't you see I don't want to fight?
Can't you see our only problem
Is that bottle of Bud Light?

Tuesday, August 7, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: addiction,drinking,forgiveness,love,relationships,sad
Jazib Kamalvi 02 June 2019

Write comment. Such a reallistic picture, Lacie. Read my poem, Love and Iust. Thanks

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