Choro Poem by Nassy Fesharaki



While searching for Incas
-in the heights of Yungas
-the treks, lands fertile
-I met a Jewish who
-was from Israel…
- (In Yemen had conceived!)

Had room in the same hotel
-Coroico's, where I lived.

His eyes were like Mossad
-wide open to spy…

Worked as do telescopes
-after time he approached:
- "What brought you here? "

I told him of Choro:
- "Most people come down but
-I have to climb, up…"

Then gave him my reasons
-as told me some teachers,
-among them Prof-Money.

As my guest, she spoke of Incas
-in details, simple talks:
- "Their men went to valleys
-for fruits, and carried
-on treks and the roads
-that they built of stones…"

"The Incas were smart;
-lived on top of the heights,
-never were the victims
-of storms, nor floods."

I told parts to the Jew
- "Want to act as Incas! "

"Do you mind if I come? "
-he asked me, was polite;
-and "of course, " I replied.

I carried nothing but
-carpet and blanket;
-the plan was eating
-given gifts of nature.

Unlike me, that major
- (the teacher to soldiers,)
-carried a full backpack;
-fresh food, many cans
-as well as beverages.

He couldn't be Inca! ! !

The date was set, we left
-zigzagging the pathways.

Came time for Sun to go
-scattered were clouds
-we were to raise our tents
-mine was a simple one,
-his, army's, like others
-who came of Israel…

All of them were the same
-regardless, boy or girl
-standard, similar…
- (dark-blue in color!)

Night arrived, same with rain
-streams made rivers…
-and could wash small-tent;
-I was in and cared-less
-but he was the mother
-making sure, I was safe.

I divorced faiths' surface
Left behind all the rest
Like Islam, Jewishness;
Fell for love, also care
For mankind…human…

Tuesday, May 7, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: human being
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